You may have noticed that you can’t quite view your entire farm at once in the current version of the game, even with the In-Game Scale setting at 1x. Luckily, there is a solution! With one quick tweak to your settings file, you’ll be able to zoom out far enough to capture your entire farm in a single screenshot. It works in both fullscreen/borderless and windowed mode, and it's easy to switch back to your preferred zoom level as soon as you're done.

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Example Screenshots


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NOTE: These instructions specifically work on 1080p monitors (1920x1080 resolution). It has been reported that they don’t work the same for 4K resolution.


  1. First, make sure the game is closed.

  2. Open settings.json in your favorite text editor (Notepad will work just fine). The default location for this file is in C:\\Users\\YOURUSERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\FieldsOfMistria (replace YOURUSERNAME with your Windows account username).

    1. Tip: a quick way to get to ...\\AppData\\Local is by opening the file explorer and typing %LOCALAPPDATA% into the navigation bar.


  3. Find and edit one of these values, depending on whether you're using fullscreen/borderless or windowed mode:

    1. For fullscreen/borderless, set fscreen_expansion to 3.0.

    2. For windowed, set window_expansion to 2.0.

    3. Save the file after making your changes.


    4. Tip: You can use the “Find” feature of your text editor to quickly locate these properties. The hotkey is usually CTRL + F.

    5. Tip: You can use a JSON formatter/prettifier to make editing settings.json easier. You do not need to minify it again after you're done, the game will automatically do that for you during startup.


  4. After you’ve edited and saved the file, launch the game. The menu screen will appear normal. Continue or load your save.

  5. After your save loads, you will see that your scale level is about half the size of 1x. If you open your settings and look at Display Settings, you'll see that it shows 0x.


  6. Walk out to your farm and take your screenshot.

How to Switch Back to Normal Zoom Again

To switch back to your normal scale, simply open the settings menu, select Display from the left column, then click the button under In-Game Scale on the right column, and set the value back to whichever one you prefer.


Other Info